We invite you to become a sponsor for our 5th Annual Sunset Music Series at Blackacre. It’s the most well-attended event of the year! Music styles performed include vintage and progressive bluegrass, jug, and country music! It’s a fun-filled musical experience for the entire community to enjoy.
Visitors spread out under the shaded lawn with blankets and chairs to enjoy the music and pastoral scenery. The 1792 historic barn provides a perfect backdrop to the stage, offering a spectacular view of the sunset.
The 2024 line-up includes:
September 8 th Kaintuck Band, featuring traditional bluegrass music!
September 15th Big Steel Train, a country group performing many of your favorites!
September 22nd The legendary Juggernaut Jug Band!
September 29th Back by popular demand, bluegrass group, Bourbon Revival.
Say yes to becoming a sponsor! To sign up, call Susan Speece at 502-266-9802 or email at SusanS@VisitBlackacre.org