The Tylers settled near the Falls of the Ohio in what eventually became downtown Louisville. In 1784, Moses’ father, Edward, owned and operated a tavern on Main Street while part of the family continued the process of putting down roots about a day’s ride to the east.
Edward Tyler II aided in the revolutionary war effort by contributing wood planks, flour, and courier service to the army of George Rogers Clark. He was later paid for the supplies by the state of Virginia. He got his land by purchasing a treasury warrant, which entitled him to establish claim to the stated number of acres by having the area surveyed with a transit and measuring chain, after which he received his land grant. The land grant was his proof of ownership. It did not mean the land had been given to him as the word grant seems to imply. Men who receive a military warrant, however, were given the warrant for their military service. There was no difference in the grants, just in the way they received their warrants. Moses had been settled at Blackacre for several years before the land was transferred to him.
Moses and his boys worked hard to establish the homestead. For a living, the Tylers made whiskey and had one of the first distillery permits in Kentucky. He traveled up Floyds Fork and the Salt River to provide his dad’s tavern with Whiskey. He quickly expanded operations to thirsty people in New Orleans.
Come and explore the homestead structures where you can read more about the homestead’s beginnings.
Historic House Tour
The Presley Tyler House is open for tours every Sunday between Memorial Day thru Labor Day between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Come learn about the homestead’s beginnings, its connection to the Revolutionary war and whiskey operations.
General Admission $5. (age 5 and under are free)
*free with cultural pass. Go to lfpl.org or your local Louisville library for more information.
No advance reservations needed.
Check the calendar for other special house tour events.

Blackacre State Nature Preserve & Historic Homestead
Opening Hours:
Daily from dawn to dusk
Phone: (502)266-9802
Email: office@visitblackacre.org
Address: 3200 Tucker Station Road Louisville, KY 40299