Forest Friends Nature Play Program

Let’s Learn in our Forest and Farm

We are a nature-based preschool located on the beautiful Blackacre Conservatory and Nature Preserve. In our forest, children are invited to play and learn through an emergent curriculum. 

In this serene, open -air classroom, trees take the place of walls. Grass and dirt cover the area like a beautiful carpet. Trails become endless journeys and wonderful experiences for children. 

Studies have shown that taking down the walls and putting children in open-aired environments allows the child’s development to be greatly enhanced. 

Children are excited to learn in natural surroundings where their imagination and creativity can soar. They are encouraged to grow as critical thinkers and become good stewards of the earth.

Learn About our Forest Programs

Our program helps grow confident, curious, and creative children through child-led exploratory play in nature! 

Caregiver & Child class is for ages 0 – 6.  This one-hour class includes sensory experiences, nature walks, songs and more!

Little Sprouts two-day  class meets 9:00-12:00 PM (Tuesday-Thursday)
Open for children ages 3-6 who can independently hike a half mile over uneven terrain while carrying their own backpack with water and snacks, and can listen and follow teacher directions.
Join us for fun, unstructured forest play with forest friends!
 Max. 10 children