BioBlitz:Arbor Day Event
If you enjoy the great outdoors, connecting with nature and learning as much as you can about it, you are a great candidate to participate in Blackacre State Nature Preserve and Historic Homestead Bioblitz 2022.
We are calling all nature observers and enthusiasts to photograph plants and animals on designated BioBlitz weekends using the iNaturalist app on your smart phone. This information helps scientists with their research.
What is Bioblitz? BioBlitz is an outdoor event where people explore nature and make observations of plants and animals living Click to watch a video
Blackacre has two Bioblitz weekend events coming up:
April 29thArbor Day Bioblitz: Trees
May 13th Pollinator BioBlitz i.e, birds, bees, beetles, butterflies
Each Bioblitz starts on Friday at 6:30 p.m. with general Bioblitz training and a hike.